[OS X TeX] svn save trouble in TeXShop

Enrico Franconi franconi at inf.unibz.it
Wed Jan 25 09:40:25 EST 2012

Ciao Ettore,
(hey, how many old-time friends around the world are in this mailing list!)

> Does latexian have something comparable to reftex? A winning point for
> me is the ability to automatically enter (and then manage) labels.

Apart from the useful label navigator and outliner (which is BTW very useful), there is nothing that compares with reftex on emacs, but this holds for anything but emacs :-)
I know that I've lost a lot by leaving emacs to its destiny in history, but as a mature (!) professional I need to focus on simplicity and productivity. The advantage of Latexian wrt emacs is that it is indeed a tool focussing on producing LaTeX and it is designed by looking at the specific needs of a LaTeX writer. What I gain in this respect outweighs IMHO what I lost.
And its interface is much more elegant and complete than TeXShop.

Enrico Franconi                  - franconi at inf.unibz.it
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - http://www.inf.unibz.it/~franconi/
Faculty of Computer Science      - Phone: (+39) 0471-016-120
I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano BZ, Italy  - Fax:   (+39) 0471-016-009

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