[OS X TeX] TeXShop: texing should stop on warnings

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Apr 8 09:34:52 EDT 2014

On Apr 8, 2014, at 4:49 AM, RA Friedrich Vosberg <fv at meinrechtsanwalt.com> wrote:

> Morning.
> How can I force TeXShop to stop typesetting when a warning occurs?
> Thanks in advance for your support!
> Kind regards, Friedrich


TeXShop doesn't stop typesetting. The processing engine (xe/lua/pdf)(la)tex stops processing when it or the format it is using is confused. So the question is really whether there is an option or command to (xe/lua/pdf)(la)tex that tells it to stop on warning messages.

On the other hand, once processing is complete (or aborted) the console window is search-able so you can find the warnings fairly easily. You need only click in the console output pane first to activate it.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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