[OS X TeX] Case tags?

Vic Norton vic at norton.name
Tue Jan 14 06:45:17 EST 2014

I have a theorem that concludes with two sets of cases:

This is not what I want. I need to have equation labels for the individual cases, with (TP-) replaced by (TP0-), (TPJ-), and (TPK-), and (TP+) replaced by (TP0+), (TPJ+), and (TPK+). I can't figure out how to do this.

How do you create cases with individual equation tags? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My LaTeX code for the above image is appended below.



### LaTeX code ###
\begin{align*} \tag{TP$-$}\label{TP-}
  t_p^- &= \max
    p_0/\sum_{i=1}^{n_J}v_i & \text{if}~~\sum_{i=1}^{n_J}v_i<0, \\
    -p_{j_i}/v_i & \text{when}~~ v_i > 0~ (i=1,\dots,n_J), \\
      &\text{when~ $\mathbf{a}_k^TA_J\mathbf{v} > b_k~ (k\in K)$,}
  \\ \intertext{and} \tag{TP$+$}\label{TP+}
  t_p^+ &= \min
    p_0/\sum_{i=1}^{n_J}v_i & \text{if}~~\sum_{i=1}^{n_J}v_i>0, \\
    -p_{j_i}/v_i & \text{when}~~ v_i < 0~ (i=1,\dots,n_J), \\
      &\text{when~ $\mathbf{a}_k^TA_J\mathbf{v} < b_k~ (k\in K)$.}

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