[OS X TeX] TeX capacity exceeded?

Gerard Walschap gerard at ou.edu
Wed Jul 16 21:11:46 EDT 2014

	My apologies if anyone answered my query in the meantime, I'm subscribed to the digest only.

	With respect to my previous message:

> 	Now, I know next to nothing about how to deal with citations, so let me describe the setup briefly. I have a file, “diffgeom.bbl”, where I’m gradually putting all citations. The root document, “diffgeom.tex”,  basically contains the preamble, the \frontmatter with the preface and a line
> "\nocite{*}%prints all bibliography"
> (don’t ask me why).,

	I did a little research (which I should have done before posting...) and found that the .bbl file is one that bibtex creates, not me (it's been a while since I added any citation). If I understand correctly, there should be a database file "diffgeo.bib" from which bibtex extracts a .bbl file. The line "\nocite{*}" just calls up all entries in all databases.  The thing is, I can't find this .bib file anywhere. If it has disappeared, perhaps that would explain the error message?

	But if that is the case, what about the machine where the file typesets just fine? I can't find that file on it either. All files pertaining to the book reside in a Dropbox folder, but I've also searched on the machine's hard drive and came up empty.

	In any case, this problem seems to be due (yet again) to sloppyness on my part. Unless somebody comes up with a better idea, I guess I'll just rebuild a .bib database from the .bbl file and see what happens.



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