[OS X TeX] Preview artifact in TS

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Jun 2 12:19:22 EDT 2014

On Jun 2, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Themis Matsoukas <tmatsoukas at icloud.com> wrote:

> I often encounter this problem using TS: the PDF contains and artifact in the form of a dashed horizontal line, as in the screenshot. The artifact disappears if I scroll page down until the line hides below the bottom of the window, but it reappears in the same spot if I scroll up until the offending spot hides above the top of the window. The problem is intermittent but frequent. I cannot cause it to appear reproducibly, but after enough typesetting it is certain to reappear. It is a very minor inconvenience but I am wondering of others see this. I’m on TS 3.36.1. 
> Themis


Are you sure the artifact is in the PDF file? It could be something in Apple's PDFKit framework. Try to open the PDF file in something like Adobe Reader (I keep it around for just such purposes). You can't used Skim because it also uses PDFKit.

If you close the Preview window and re-typeset does it reappear? If you simply re-typeset without closing the Preview window does it disappear?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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