[OS X TeX] Contents of MacTeXtras

Ralph Martin Ralph.Martin at cs.cardiff.ac.uk
Fri May 2 20:48:10 EDT 2014

Can I suggest that MacTeX Extras be done differently? 

Once you have the programs you want from it, it does not make sense to download it again - all you want to do is keep the programs you are interested in up-to-date. On the other hand, if something is added to it, you may wish to now.

I'd suggest a much better way for MacTeX Extras to be done is as a list of links to where software can be obtained, with a short description of what each one is and why relevant to TeXing. Users can then click on those links as desired to fetch the actual files.

That way, nobody downloads stuff they don't need.

Best wishes

Prof. Ralph Martin                     Phone: +44(0)29 2087 5536
Computer Science & Informatics         Fax:   +44(0)29 2087 4598
Cardiff University               Email: mailto:ralph at cs.cf.ac.uk
5 The Parade, Roath              WWW:  http://ralph.cs.cf.ac.uk/
Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK         VOIP: sip:ralphmartin at sip2sip.info

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