[OS X TeX] Contents of MacTeXtras

Nestor E. Aguilera nestoreaguilera at gmail.com
Sun May 4 19:40:28 EDT 2014

On 4 May 2014, at 20:28, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> On May 4, 2014, at 6:16 PM, Claus Gerhardt <claus.gerhardt at uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
>> I assume that those who still work with 10.5 would also be happy to use MacTeX 2013 in the future instead of the latest version - at least I would, since the benefit they might gain seems to be negligible, if there is any.
>> Claus
> Howdy,
> There was a lot of discussion before support for OS X 10.4 was dropped in MacTeX (and MacTeXtras). Once the decision was made a final version of MacTeX/TeX Live for that year was saved so that they would have a distribution to download and use.
> Most often a decision like that occurs because none of the developers can compile the binaries for that version of the OS. One of these days that will happen for OS X 10.5 and we won't have a choice.
> I know that there are folks on this list still using OS X 10.5 either because they are still using PPC systems (Apple Computers seem to last a very long time) or can't update to 10.6 or later for one reason or another.
> Good Luck,
> Herb Schulz
> (herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

I am confused: in my understanding MacTeX brings binaries for OS X such as pdftex or TeXShop, and the TeX Live current distribution. So, even there is no new version of TexShop (or any other front end) for OS X 10.5, just obtaining all the packages plus eventually the binaries for compiling TeX, LaTeX or any other system is of interest for those using 10.5 (PPC).

All the best,


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