[OS X TeX] 1) Search source file when preview is active (`front'). 2) Incremental search

Nicolae Garleanu garleanu at haas.berkeley.edu
Fri May 23 22:33:30 EDT 2014

Beautiful ‹ I can build on this for other, perhaps more useful, instances.
(A thought that came in this regard was a `macro recorder¹, as I came
across elsewhere. You start it, then perform some tasks, commands, etc.,
then stop. Output may be ugly, but functional. Doesn¹t Apple have
something like this? I know that there exists an Automator, not quite sure
what it can and cannot do.)

In this case, I would probably want the macro to check whether the preview
or source is active, o/w I have to run different macros/commands (since
cmd-1 does not activate source, but rather toggles, as Herb explained, and
I have since seen in the `Window¹ menu). For that purpose I am thinking of
looking at the content of the code for the very command Cmd-1 (or maybe
Cmd-T, which works from wherever). Where can I find these, though? Not in
Macros.plst, I know, perhaps they are `hidden¹ somewhere? I can probably
inspire myself from one of Claus Gerhardt¹s Macros. I also think that
there is something about file names in the TexShop help.


>tell application "TeXShop"
>	activate
>	tell application "System Events"
>		keystroke "1" using command down
>		keystroke "f" using command down --important to use lowercase
>	end tell
>end tell

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