[OS X TeX] Multicolumn footnotes

Stephen Anderson sra at yale.edu
Wed Dec 16 15:37:59 EST 2015

I’m preparing a bilingual edition of a text, and I want the two languages to appear in separate columns on the page. The multicols package manages this fine, but doesn’t do what I would like with footnotes: I want the footnotes in the French text (in the left column) to appear only in that column, and corresponding footnotes in the English text (right column) to appear only in that column. The numbering should also be independent, but since the number starts at 1 for each page, multiple invocations of \setcounter{footnote}{0} can take care of this.

The multicols package wants to spread all footnotes across the whole page, and the only alternatives I can find are ones where all the footnotes for both columns appear in one sequence, divided between the multiple columns, or else all appear only under the last column.  How can I get footnoting for two columns to be independent?

Steve Anderson

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