[OS X TeX] Texshop, bibtex and utf-8

Ettore Aldrovandi ealdrov at math.fsu.edu
Mon Nov 16 15:19:17 EST 2015

> On Nov 16, 2015, at 08:45, Martin Bergren <martin.berggren at cs.umu.se> wrote:
>> On 16 Nov 2015, at 14:25 , Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>>> On Nov 16, 2015, at 7:11 AM, Martin Bergren <martin.berggren at cs.umu.se> wrote:
>>> I just noticed that when creating my bibliography  within Texshop, it gracefully handles utf-8 characters like ü and ö in the .bib file although Bibtex is 7 bits!  How does that magic work? (Bibtex is set as the engine in the preferences.a)  When running bibtex from the command line or from Texstudio I seem to get the ü:s and the like mangled.
>>> Martin Berggren
>> Howdy,
>> Hmmm... very interesting.
>> When you say ``creating my bibliography within TeXShop'' do you mean creating the .bib file or going through the (pdf/xe)latex processes running bibtex in-between or are you using one of the latexmk engines, (pdf/xe)latexmk?
> I mean typesetting from within Texshop with a .bib-file created elsewhere, typically with Bibdesk.
>> Could you make a minimal example along with a correspondingly minimal .bib file so I can play with it?
> Attached.

Actually, an interesting test would be to see what happens if the author, say, has characters beyond the 127 boundary, and you use an alphabetical style to generate labels. Does it still work?

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