[OS X TeX] Is there a way to let TeXShop remember the position of EACH file on close of THAT file?

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 17:13:11 EDT 2016

TeXShop can remember the last position of a source/preview file on close and then ALL source/preview files open in that position. 

But, occasionally, specifically when dealing with ancillaries, I need, say, to compare the contents of a dozen files in one folder with a dozen newer files in another folder but NOT one-to-one. In other words, some stuff that is in old #3 needs to go to new #1 but other stuff in old #3 needs to go into new #5. Etc. In addition, to know where the stuff should go, I need to have other files open, e.g. preview files. So, I spend an inordinate amount of time placing these files so as not to confuse them (too much.) And then, when I close them to gain space, all is lost.

Would any one have any thought whether one could let TeXShop remember the position of EACH file on close of THAT file? Then, I would not need to keep that many files open and, upon re-opening, they would be placed where I placed them (e.g. left screen/right screen) and I would know what it is.

Hopeful regards

Running TeXShop 2.47 with TeXLive 2013 under OS X 10.6.8

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