[OS X TeX] macOS Sierra and paths.d

Rawnsley, John J.Rawnsley at warwick.ac.uk
Fri Sep 23 09:22:27 EDT 2016

On 22 Sep 2016, at 19:22, Richard Koch <koch at uoregon.edu<mailto:koch at uoregon.edu>> wrote:


Yesterday, Ari Stern wrote:

On Sep 21, 2016, at 9:27 AM, Ari Stern wrote:

Hi all:

I just installed MacTeX 2016 on a fresh installation of macOS Sierra,
but I noticed that /Library/TeX/texbin was not added to my PATH.
Running FixLink.pkg had no effect.

I did a bit of poking around and noticed that there were no
/etc/paths.d/ or /etc/manpaths.d/ directories at all (not sure if this
is a change from previous OS versions). After running "sudo mkdir
/etc/paths.d" and "sudo mkdir /etc/manpaths.d", I ran FixLink.pkg
again, and it worked properly.

I suggest that both the MacTex installer and FixLink.pkg should be
modified to test whether each of these directories exists, and if not,
to create it.


I have now repaired FixLink, but haven't yet uploaded it anywhere.  If it proves necessary, I'll make the change also in MacTeX and post both.

Right now I'm looking for someone else who installed Sierra to a new disk rather than upgrading from an earlier version of OS X. If you are a TeX user, you'd also have to install MacTeX-2016. Can you typeset from the command line? More specifically, if you open Terminal in /Applications/Utilities, and type


and press RETURN, does the program run and report its version, or does Terminal report that no such program can be found. In either case, please write me with the results.

Dick Koch
koch at uoregon.edu<mailto:koch at uoregon.edu>

XQuartz needs /etc/paths.d /etc/manpaths.d and will create them and corresponding files when installed if they don't exist.

John Rawnsley
J.Rawnsley at warwick.ac.uk<mailto:J.Rawnsley at warwick.ac.uk>

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