[OS X TeX] maginfication

Michael Sharpe msharpe at ucsd.edu
Tue Mar 21 21:33:16 EDT 2017

> On Mar 21, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Nicolae Garleanu <garleanu at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I like the fixed-magnification setting for the preview window, but I would like different levels for documents in portrait orientation (articles) vs documents in landscape (presentation slides, produced via beamer). Is there a simple switch one can implement to achieve this goal? (I.E., implement different “fixed magnification amount” depending on the orientation of the document, or some other characteristic of the document that results in effectively the same behavior. Even an extra line in the source file — including setting the amount there, which would override the preferences — would be OK, from my point of view, as long as it doesn’t cause crashes for people running tex in other ways.)
> Thank you.
> Nicolae 

Just a thought about how this could be handled without changing TeXShop behavior. At the end of the engine(s) you use to process your documents, add an osascript command that searches the source document, say for a line that reads something like

# !TS-magnification = 180

and copy the desired magnification to the pasteboard. Then, set the focus to the pdf, use the free program cliclick to emulate a mouse click in the center of the magnification box whose top left is at 270, 30 and whose bottom right is at 310, 54 relative to the top left of the preview window. Then, emulate a key press of cmd-A to select the contents and cmd-V to paste in the desired number, then emulate a <return> to complete the change.


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