[OS X TeX] Finding which files TeXShop knows to delete

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Jun 10 17:45:46 EDT 2020

> On Jun 10, 2020, at 2:23 PM, Joe Heafner <heafnerj at gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m currently running the latest TeXShop on Catalina 10.15.5 with no problems on a MacBook Pro and an iMac. On the MacBook Pro, I’ve periodically added (via the command line) files to the list that TeXShop knows to delete when I clean up the AUX files after a run. Where is the list of files TeXShop knows to delete stored? I want to somehow copy it to the iMac so both setups will know about the same files.
> Joe Heafner
> Sent from one of my Macs


If you are talking about the list used by the File->Trash Aux Files menu command it is stored in the TeXShop Preferences file. If you wish to transfer that file you need to Quit TeXShop on the source machine and copy the ~/Library/Preferences/TeXShop.plist to the Desktop of the second system. Quit TeXShop on the second system and place the TeXShop.plist file into the ~/Library/Preferences folder on the second system, replacing the version already there. Then, immediately run the command

defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/TeXShop.plist

in Terminal. If you don't run that command the OS will replace the new copy with one stored in a cache in memory.

Years before the File->Trash Aux Files command was added to TeXShop I had a macro to remove the files. Over the years that macro has been updated multiple times, most recently by Michael Sharpe, to keep it current. I've gotten so used to using that macro that I still use it. One of the advantages is that it's very easy to add/delete extensions removed. I have two versions; one to delete basically every thing except the .tex file; the second doesn't remove .bbl, .pdf and few other extensions. You can download the macros as DeleteAuxFilesMacros.plist.zip from my download site, <https://herbs.github.io>. To add the macros to your TeXShop Macros first unzip that file to a DeleteAuxFilesMacros.plist file. The open TeXShop and choose the Macros->Open Macro Editor… command. Then click on the Macros->Add macros from file… command that only exists when the Macro Editor is active. Drag and drop the DeleteAuxFilesMacros.plist file onto the list and click on Open to add the macros to the bottom of the list of macros shown at the left of the Editor Window. You can then move the macros wherever you want on the list and they will appear at those positions when you Save the macros. By default the macros have shortcuts Ctl-Shft-Cmd-X and Opt-Shft-Cmd-X for the limited and all versions of the command.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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