[OS X TeX] External Editor Auto Preview Update

Roussanka Loukanova rl.stpuu at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 15:26:42 EDT 2021

Dear All!

I've updated to TeXLive 2021, and am testing it. TeXShop does great work
when I typeset within it.
Dick, thanks! Herb: thanks!

I have the following problem between TexShop and Aquamacs:

- in TexShop Preferences I've selected / checked:
- Preview > External Editor > Automatic Preview Update
- I have a test.tex file and its test.pdf opened in TeXShop.
- I open the test.tex in Aquamacs, modify it and typeset it. Skim displays
the updated test.pdf automatically
- Preview.app updates test.pdf if pre-opened in it, after clicking on the
- TeXShop updates the source test.tex, and keeps in its Preview the old

How may I get that both the .tex and its .pdf get automatically updated,
while typesetting in Aquamacs?

I noticed this problem while testing drawings with ghostscript. Aquamacs
fails to typeset them, whatever way I try, including by XeLaTeX, which
worked last month. Including Herb's test file. TeXShop typesets them
finely, by Herb's GhostsciptTransparencyEngines.

Best Regards,
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