[OS X TeX] List of books written as Literate Programs

William F. Adams willadams at aol.com
Wed Mar 23 21:15:04 EDT 2022

Just came across:
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation by Matt Pharr

which is available at: https://www.pbr-book.org/
and was curious what other books there might be (besides of course TeX and Metafont: The Programs)
Started a Goodreads shelf:

and was curious if anyone else knew of any which aren't yet listed (this is a surprisingly hard thing to search for).
I'm contemplating re-working my current project:

as a Literate Program (upgrade from: http://tug.org/TUGboat/tb40-2/tb125adams-3d.pdf ) and was doing some research.
Would also be curious as to what editors folks find most workable when doing Literate Programming --- was considering LyX and noweb, but am tempted by the idea of using leoeditor, or maybe I'll just stick w/ TeXshop (any tips on that?).
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