[OS X TeX] Landscape mode and html-links typesetted using simpdftex

Uwe Schmock schmock at fam.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Apr 20 13:29:30 EDT 2023

Dear all,

I have a larger batch of older slides in landscape more, basically in plain TeX.
However, some pictures and links are included.
I typesetted the slides using TeXShop (and standard TeXLive 2023),
where I added the option

--extradvipsopts "-z"

to the entry at TeXShop -> Preferences -> Engine -> TeX + dvips + distiller -> Tex

so that it reads

simpdftex etex --maxpfb --extratexopts "-file-line-error -synctex=1" --extradvipsopts "-z"

Every works fine, but the area to click for the link is totally different
from the location of the corresponding typesetted text.
A small file illustration to problem is

% !TEX TS-program = tex
\centerline{\special{html:<a href="https://www.tuwien.ac.at/">}
Technische Universit\"at Wien\special{html:</a>}}

The problem vanishes when \special{landscape} is deleted, but that's not what I am after.
I also would like to have the html-links, otherwise I could just skip the "-z" option.
Any advice or suggestions? Is there an additional option I missed?

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

With kind regards,


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