[OS X TeX] \openout

Schremmer Alain Schremmer.Alain at freemathtexts.org
Wed Jan 24 19:38:20 EST 2024

Once upon a time, I used the following file structure:

Style Sheets
Text contents in which the files contained just the text, e.g. 1.tex:

%!TEX root = ../Text-controls/\jobname.tex
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk  
We begin by revisiting a few concepts ...

Text controls which except for the adjustments are all copies of
% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% sssssssssssss Begin ADJUSTMENTS to DOCUMENT
% sssssssssssssss End ADJUSTMENTS to DOCUMENT

This file structure worked fine until I upgraded to something. Then, Schultz bailed me out by having me move the Text-contents folder into the Text-controls folder—removing of course the corresponding ../ —  and resetting something to do with \openout which I forgot long ago.

Although I don’t particularly like its lack of symmetry, I have used that structure ever since with no problem. But I am trying to look at some of these old files and got into a lot of trouble. The latest one is:

./1.tex:13: I can't write on file `Text-contents/1.aux'.
\@include ...mmediate \openout \@partaux "#1.aux" 
                                                  \immediate \write \@partau...
l.13 	\include{Text-contents/\jobname}

So, I am hoping that Schultz can bail me out once more.
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