\documentclass[12pt]{article} % version 1.5 \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{pst-pdf} \usepackage{pst-bar} \usepackage{pst-plot} \usepackage{pst-tree} \usepackage{pstricks-add} %% for metapost graphics \usepackage{emp,ifpdf} \ifpdf \DeclareGraphicsRule{*}{mps}{*}{} \fi \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm} %% statsmac and online macros for qdf files \empprelude{input mp-tool} \empTeX{} %% page size \oddsidemargin=-0.25in \textwidth=7in \topmargin=-1.0in \textheight=10in %% no page numbers \pagestyle{empty} \parindent=0pt \begin{document} {\bf Demo 999}\newline {\bf Fall 2009}\newline {\bf B. Wagner}\newline {\bf Font Test} \bigskip {\bf Instructions}: For multiple choice questions, write the letter corresponding to your answer in the blank provided. For other questions, show all your work in the space provided, and write your answer in the blank. All answers must be exact unless otherwise indicated. \bigbreak\hrule\bigbreak % Question #1 1. Use interval notation to describe the interval shown on the graph. %%% Begin graphic \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm} \begin{empfile}[fonttest2] \begin{empdef}[leftinterval](4,4) def opendot(expr pos)= fill fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted pos withcolor white; draw fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted pos withcolor red; enddef; def filleddot(expr pos)= fill fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted pos withcolor red; draw fullcircle scaled 6pt shifted pos withcolor red; enddef; %labeloffset numeric oldlabeloffset; oldlabeloffset:=labeloffset; labeloffset:=5pt; %initialize scale numeric u; 10u=2in; %draw the number line drawdblarrow ((-5,0)--(5,0)) scaled u; %shade left side pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; drawarrow (0,0)--(-5u,0) withcolor red; pickup defaultpen; opendot((0,0)); label.bot(btex $-7$ etex, (0,0)); %return to oldoffest labeloffset:=oldlabeloffset; \end{empdef} \end{empfile} \immediate\write18{mpost fonttest2} \begin{center} \empuse{leftinterval} \end{center} %%% End graphic The answer should be $(-\infty,-7)$. \end{document}