I have been using Greek (and Hebrew) for many years in LaTeX in a longstanding document without serious problems. In the last year or two I cannot compile that document any longer.<br><br>The following document illustrates a problem with Greek:<br>
<br><br>\documentclass{minimal}<br>\usepackage[greek, english]{babel}<br> <br>\begin{document} <br>\textgreek{T’i f’hic? <Id‘wn >enj’ede pa~id’’ >eleuj’eran<br> t‘ac plhs’ion N’umfac stefano~usan, S’wstrate,<br>
>er~wn ’ap~hljec e>uj’uc?}<br> <br> \end{document}<br><br>This ends in:<br><br>ERROR: Undefined control sequence.<br><br>--- TeX said ---<br>l.58 \bbl@declare@ttribute<br> {greek}{polutoniko}{%<br>
--- HELP ---<br clear="all"><br>This happen every time I use<br>\usepackage[greek,andpossiblyotherlanguagesorjustgreekonitsown]{babel}<br><br>I have MacTex's 2011 version of Texlive on Lion.<br><br>How can I get Greek back in my documents?<br>
<br>Regards<br>Johann<br>-- <br>Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, <br>my lips will praise you. (Psalm 63:3)<br><br>