[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Emacs 1.3rc1

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 10:09:46 EST 2007

You're invited to test the Aquamacs 1.3 release candidate 1, now  
available from


The list of improvements is below. Please test and report bugs as  
usual. Do not publish the link elsewhere.

PS.: Aquamacs is donation-supported. If you've used it throughout  
2007, please consider making a contribution to the development effort.

http://aquamacs.org -- Aquamacs: Emacs on Mac OS X
http://aquamacs.org/donate -- Could we help you? Return the favor and  
support the Aquamacs Project!

Changes---1.3 rc1a

     * Bug fix: On OS X 10.5 ``Leopard'', Aquamacs consumed a lot of  
CPU power in certain rare circumstances.
     * The minibuffer history is now retained between Aquamacs sessions.
     * LaTeX editing: better support for jumping from and to the PDF  
if Skim.app is installed and used. No configuration is necessary. You  
can jump from Aquamacs to Skim with Shift-Command-Click, or with the  
AUCTeX command ``Jump to PDF'' (enter C-c C-c J RET) and back. You  
will need to \usepackage{pdfsync} in your document preamble and re- 
compile before you can use the feature.
     * Press Command-E to use the region (selected text) for the next  
search operation (Command-F). Suggested by Mathieu Godart.
     * When using Frame Appearance Styles (especially with One Buffer  
One Frame Mode switched off), frames should (mostly) retain their  
original sizes now. Less jumping around!
     * Aquamacs now remembers the positions of frames containing  
*Help*, *Messages* and other buffers.
     * Improved frame positioning and sizing. In particular, *Help*  
frames should be more sensibly sized.
     * Frames can now be tiled (horizontally/vertically) and scattered  
(automatic placement) with functions in the Buffers menu. Tiling code  
by Drew Adams.
     * Spanish keyboards are now better supported (Emulate Spanish  
Keyboard Mode. See Options / Option Key menu.) Patch by Elias Baixas.
     * File names with non-ASCII characters such as German Umlauts or  
accented characters will be displayed and dealt with correctly.  
Reported by Ted Roden.
     * Longlines mode (Soft wrap) has been improved
     * ESS Info file updated from 5.3.0 to 5.3.6
     * Cedet was missing a file and produced errors (JDE Mode).  
Reported by Nick Frolov.
     * ACT-R support fixed.
     * Loading of preferences files revised once more. Preferences.el  
and customizations.el are now loaded along with the user's .emacs, and  
changes to `after-init-hook' should work (e.g. to use the `desktop'  
package) just fine. Based on an issue reported by Phil Kime.

     * The Aquamacs application icon has been revised to look better  
in Leopard's Dock.

     * Many thanks for your donations since the last version was  
published. If you haven't done so lately, please consider making a  
donation to the project at http://aquamacs.org/donate. Your donations  
are essential in keeping the project going--we have no other source of  
income from Aquamacs. We'd like to do great things with Aquamacs, but  
that'll only happen with your support.

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