[OS X Emacs] Use Current Style As Default: Won't Save Font Info

Peter Jones pjones at pmade.com
Mon Nov 12 18:17:51 EST 2007

Hello all,

I'm a newbie to Aquamacs (and emacs too).  I've having a very hard  
time trying to figure out how to set the default font.

I've followed the Wiki and used the font panel to pick the font, and  
then tried to set my current style and save options. I've also tried  
using customize to set the default font.  Neither seem to be working.

If I restart Aquamacs, it reverts to a smaller version of the font I'm  
trying to use.  I'd like to use Monaco, at 15pt, but no matter what I  
do, Aquamacs starts at 12pt.  I'm using version 1.2a.

If it helps at all, when I choose "Use Current Style As Default", the  
following message shows up in *Messages*:

	setq: Wrong type argument: listp, font-lock-string-face

Thanks for any help!

Peter Jones
pmade inc.  - http://pmade.com

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