[OS X Emacs] do-applescript?

Adrian Robert adrian.b.robert at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 05:46:17 EST 2007

On 11/18/07, Adrian Robert <adrian.b.robert at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've tried a couple of other such things but always get the
> > "pasteboard type not supported" error.

Just a quick note on this as I forgot to mention it in the release
email.  9.0-rc3 fixes this problem: the earlier lisp functions always
expected to operate on selected text, therefore calling something like
(ns-service-Foo "bar") when nothing is selected would cause the error.
 Now I have changed this to use the string argument if present in
preference to the selection, and in this case to return the result
rather than inserting it in the buffer in place of the selected text.
(The selected-replace behavior is standard if called w/o arguments or
from the menu.)

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