[OS X Emacs] forward-word binding

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 13:28:01 EDT 2008

On 2 Aug 2008, at 16:11, Tom Van Vleck wrote:
> Many of us use Emacs on multiple different platforms in the same day.
> Switching our behavior back and forth depending on the platform is  
> error prone.
> I think that where behavior is the same on all Emacsen it should be  
> left that way in Aquamacs.
> The beauty of Aquamacs was that it added behavior for flower- 
> whatever to the existing Emacs function, without conflict with what  
> was there.
> Operating systems come and go.  My Emacs habits have developed over  
> almost 30 years.

I understand, and I usually recommend Carbon Emacs Package to users  
like you.  Its focus is on cross-platform coherence.

Aquamacs' focus is on integrating with other applications and the  
habits that have formed from using OS X applications.

> I would prefer that gratuitous changes to existing Emacs behavior in  
> Aquamacs
> should be opt-in rather than opt-out.  Go ahead, experiment, add new  
> choices
> to the menus.  Some will be wonderful, and each person can each  
> adopt them as desired and when convenient.

The service we provide is to make it zero-configuration for those who  
want integration with the desktop.

However, it you prefer not to see any changes, don't upgrade.

If you do upgrade, I will endeavor to make it easy for someone who  
knows the basics of Emacs Lisp to undo any new defaults.  We try to  
announce them in the change log.

http://aquamacs.org -- Aquamacs: Emacs on Mac OS X
http://aquamacs.org/donate -- Could we help you? Return the favor and  
support the Aquamacs Project!

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