[OS X Emacs] customizations.

sergio_101 sergiolist at village-buzz.com
Mon Dec 8 22:30:20 EST 2008

pdfinn at uwm.edu writes:

> It seems to me I've experienced this issue before.  Does Emacs issue any
> complaints when starting up?  Also, try loading your init file
> manually:

in the process of troubleshooting, i have done both of these.. but have
not had any luck..

until i can get this fixed, i have been using carbon emacs.. carbon
saves all the customizations to  .emacs instead of customizations.el in
the preferences files.. 

> open it in a buffer and run M-x eval-buffer.  Then try to save your
> customizations again.  Also, if your .emacs.el file is under version
> control, make sure it is checkout and not locked---this can also cause

it's not under version control, but i am thinking of putting it under

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