[OS X Emacs] pdfsync in 1.3

Nathaniel Cunningham nathaniel.cunningham at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 12:20:53 EST 2008

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Arthur Ogus <ogus at math.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Can you provide a link?  Last time I tried to do it,
> installation looked difficult.

Just go to the Aquamacs download page --
http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml -- and follow the link to "nightly
development builds".

Installation is painless: once you've downloaded the .tar.bz2 file
appropriate for either PPC or Intel, a double-click will unpack this
into Aquamacs Emacs.app.  Drop that into your /Applications (or other)
directory as usual...


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