[OS X Emacs] aquamacs - installing ispell/aspell

sergio sergio at village-buzz.com
Thu Nov 13 09:10:14 EST 2008

> Spell checking should work with no customization, if you have  
> installed cocoAspell.  Use
> M-x locate-library ispell

here is what i get:

Library is file /Applications/Aquamacs Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/ 

> Have you used or configured aspell at all, apart from installing  
> cocoAspell?

no... i haven't done anything to it so far..

> What's the value of ispell-use-cocoaspell in an Aquamacs session  
> where you haven't activated or loaded (or required) ispell?


how do i get this?

> We'll get this sorted out.

thanks, nathaniel!


photographer, journalist, visionary

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