[OS X Emacs] scratch and scratch <2>

José Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill j.m.figueroa at ed.ac.uk
Sat Oct 18 10:44:21 EDT 2008

On 18 Oct 2008, at 15:33, Ivan Werning wrote:

> On Oct 15, 2008, at 3:15 PM, David Reitter wrote:
>>>> (setq aquamacs-scratch-file nil)
>>>> in your Preferences.el
>>>> change anything?
> I deleted all my preferences, now I only get one scratch. (It no  
> longer opens the files I was working with in the previous session  
> though; I must have deleted something I had there).

This sounds familiar.  I had the same problem and it was due to  
desktop.el.  There is a way to tell desktop.el not to restore the  
*scratch* buffer, but this stopped working in Aquamacs somewhere  
between 1.0 and 1.4, I forget exactly.  So it used to try to restore  
the *scratch* but since there was already one, it gave a warning when  
doing it.  At any rate, one ended up with two scratch buffers.  Since  
desktop.el never really worked well with Aquamcs, I stopped using  
it.  Instead I use the menu "File->Open Recent" a lot :)  It's not as  
convenient as desktop.el, but I can live with it, especially since  
the only time I close Aquamacs is when I restart the computer.

Cheers, José

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