[OS X Emacs] LaTeX-section-label customization

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Oct 18 14:15:18 EDT 2008

Am 18.10.2008 um 19:34 schrieb kbmail:

> Then I directly modified the "latex.el" file to rewrite all the  
> prefixes with "_" at the end, and you know what?
> C-c C-s still gives me ":"...

Because the byte-compiled file latex.elc is loaded – which is still  
the old version, isn't it?

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


"No man was ever taken to hell by a woman unless he already had a  
ticket in his pocket, or at least had been fooling around with  
				– Archie Goodwin

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