[OS X Emacs] ELPA installation

Guido Carballo-Guerrero charras at me.com
Tue Dec 1 15:51:39 EST 2009

Hello, I'm trying to use ELPA to install some packages in Aquamacs--the packages needed to run Clojure in Aquamacs. What I need is a way to run Clojure in Aquamacs, so if anyone knows how I can make Clojure run in Aquamacs, other than by installing it using ELPA that will help me as well. ELPA instruction for installation says that what one need to do is copy something into the *scratch* buffer and eval it, to eval it, I'm suppose to press C-j (control j), but that doesn't do anything, just move the cursor to the next line.

I'm a ME major, so my CS knowledge is not very good. Therefore, if my problem seems odd its because of my lack of knowledge. If anyone can help me I'll appreciated. Does anyone use Clojure? 



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