[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Emacs 2.0 - Icon survey

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Jul 12 17:44:13 EDT 2009

Am 12.07.2009 um 01:00 schrieb David Reitter:

> please take part in our Icon survey

My vote is for icon #4. Here the E symbol is upright, in a readable  
shape, just as typed in (no graphics/camera input). The name  
"Aquamacs" is also well readable, different than in the other  
designs. It's a bit strange that the pen is obviously handled by a  
left-hander, member of a minority. A right-hander would lay it down  
like in icon #3.

Icon #12 is inadequate: GNU Emacs is no painting application. Icon #8  
looks good, in that ochre tint. Icons #9 and #13 are inadequate  
because of the dark background. Icon #11 shows a fringe design – this  
stands for a modern version of GNU Emacs and represents wealth and a  
big size screen (then I can waste some part for the fringes). Icon #7  
is better than #14 because here all elements equally blurred. But #10  
might be the best one: useless Elisp is torn away, room is obtained  
for our necessities, room also for our imagination (Elisp code).  
Maybe the dull grey should be exchanged by friendly ochre. Icon #15  
could be that of a business card designer, icon #16 could be shown  
when chatting.

So it's #4 and a modified #10 or #8.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Es ist, glaub' ich, nichts so heiß, wie's gerne scheinen möchte.

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