[OS X Emacs] enable hard wrap for latex-mode...

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 16:59:19 EDT 2009


On Mar 22, 2009, at 8:57 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> - to customizations.el the following line is added:
> '(LaTeX-mode-hook (quote (preview-mode-setup smart-dnd-latex #[nil
> "\300\301!\207" [TeX-fold-mode t] 2] LaTeX-install-toolbar turn-on- 
> bib-cite
> turn-on-reftex turn-on-auto-fill)))
> - In the customization interface under LaTex-mode-hook the following  
> appears:
> LaTeX-mode-hook:
> '(preview-mode-setup smart-dnd-latex
> 		     #[nil "\300\301!\207"
> 			   [TeX-fold-mode t]
> 			   2]
> 		     LaTeX-install-toolbar turn-on-bib-cite turn-on-reftex turn-on- 
> auto-fill)
>   State: SAVED and set. (mismatch)
> Note the word "mismatch" in parenthesis!
> - if I open a .tex file the major mode seems to be "Fundamental" and  
> the minor
> modes "Wrap Spc", although in the menu bar the "LaTeX" and "Command"  
> entry do
> appear.

It appears that the "preview" package adds its setup function to this  
hook when it is loaded, but it isn't loaded until after the hook is  
executed.  That's the design of AUCTeX, which will only work if you  
load the preview package prior to using LaTeX.

Try adding this:

(autoload 'preview-mode-setup "preview")

to your Preferences.el file.

- David

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