[OS X Emacs] Re: Can't Make Doc-View Work

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Mar 20 19:40:43 EDT 2010

Am 12.03.2010 um 09:05 schrieb Axel E. Retif:

> How about this?
> http://graphtheoryinlatex.blogspot.com/2009/08/simulating-ktikz-with-emacs.html

The ELisp function seems to have two faults: the working directory in  
the *shell* buffer is not the directory of the TeX and PDF files and  
the automatically updated buffer with the PDF file does not switch  
into doc-view-mode. But it certainly works! (Some of the tikz2pdf  
scripts have a .sh extension which needs to be removed or the ELisp  
code updated for this file name.)

You could try this: have one Emacs.app running. Create in it a *shell*  
buffer or change directory in an existing *shell* buffer to the  
directory with the TeX file. Now launch a new Emacs.app as:  "/ 
Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs <possible arguments> &"  
Open in the new instance the TeX file. Now create from it a *shell*  
buffer (M-x shell RET) – it will have the right working directory.  
Then invoke the split-for-tikz2pdf function and change into the PDF  
file buffer, which is in Fundamental mode. Invoke doc-view-mode (M-x  
doc-view-mode RET). The PDF image should now become visible, maybe  
scroll/jump to the beginning of the buffer.

I tried it with GNU Emacs 24.0.50 based Emacs.app.



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				– George W. Bush

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