[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs: raise-next-frame with mac-command-modifier=meta

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Mon May 17 21:36:33 EDT 2010

On May 17, 2010, at 9:21 PM, Dave Roe wrote:

> With Aquamacs 2.0, when I set mac-command-modifier to meta via "(setq
> mac-command-modifier 'meta)", command+` is bound to tmm-menubar. 
> raise-next-frame says it is bound to "???<, ???`" (which I don't
> understand).      

What happens is that raise-next-frame can no longer be reached via a key command because you re-bound the Command modifier key.

> Can someone tell me how to bind raise-next-frame to command+` when I have
> mac-command-modifier set to meta? 

The key code would then be [(meta \`)], I think, but you can for sure look it up in the Aquamacs source (the file is macosx/osxkeys.el).  
Check the FAQ that explains how to bind keys (under "global-set-key doesn't work", IIRC).

Also, check out the Options -> Option/Command/Meta Keys submenu.

Hope that helps.


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