[OS X Emacs] How to report bugs on the nightly build

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 06:42:56 EDT 2011

On Apr 20, 2011, at 4:54 AM, Dagnat Fabien wrote:

> I tend to use the nightly build. The last version downloaded yesterday crash on my machine when I open it. 
> I checked on the webpage where to send the crash report but the page invite to send a mail to a specific mailing list and does not contain its address. There is a link to the mailing archive where I don't have access and it suggests to use the builtin function which does not work for me as aquamacs crash systematically on startup.

Sorry, what's the webpage?
Why do you not have access to the Google Groups archive?

The Aquamacs website, under "Support" gives the correct info:

> Bug reports
> 	• Report bugs with the "Send Bug Report" function (Help menu) from within Aquamacs.
> 	• Please respect our Bug Reporting Guidelines.
> 	• If you are unable to use the bug reporting function, please send your bug report to the Aquamacs bug reports list by directly e-mailing aquamacs-bugs at aquamacs.org (no subscription required).
> 	• Subscribe to the bug mailing list here.
> 	• Archives on Google Groups

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