[OS X Emacs] FW: rebinding function keys

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Jul 10 08:30:15 EDT 2011

Am 10.07.2011 um 12:54 schrieb Peter North:

> (setq initial-frame-alist '((background-colour . "black")
> (setq initial-frame-list '((foreground-colour . "green")
> (setq default ((cursor-colour . "blue")
> (setq default-frame-alist '((background-colour . "black" (left . 0)  
> (width . 141) (height . 44)))

You can get some structure into this with, for example:

	(setq initial-frame-alist
	  (append (list
	    '(background-color  . "azure")
	    '(border-color	. "#4e3832")
	    '(cursor-color	. "purple")
	    '(foreground-color	. "grey10")
	;    '(active-alpha	. 0.875)
	;    '(inactive-alpha	. 0.75)
	;    '(font . "fontset-10pt_free_mono")
	;    '(font . "fontset-09pt_lucida_sans_typewriter")
	;    '(font . "fontset-09pt_vera_sans_mono")
	    '(top . 136) '(left . 666) '(width . 100) '(height . 57)
	  ) initial-frame-alist))

When the background colour is set in default-frame-alist then you  
don't need to set again in initial-frame-alist...

> (global-set-key <"f1->" 'find-file

This is a rather disastrous choice: a f1 key map already exists,  
providing help, defined in . Couldn't you use your private setting  
with right hand? Or bound to f2 (which has also some keys with  
2C[olumns] functions bound to it)? Some f1 bindings are still free, so  
you could:

	(global-set-key [f1 f2]	'info-apropos)
	(global-set-key [s-f1]	'replace-regexp)

C-h b might help to see all bound keys.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


When in doubt, use brute force.
				– Ken Thompson

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