[OS X Emacs] How to overwrite global line-wrapping setting for a specific mode?

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 17:51:00 EDT 2011

On Oct 6, 2011, at 5:42 PM, Marius Hofert wrote:
> I searched the archives on http://search.gmane.org/ for "visual line", for "ess-mode-hook", and for "R-mode-hook" but haven't found anything recently on that topic. Do you remember the context?

your reply to my explanation, on 9/22/2011: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.macintosh.osx/6502

> Apart from that, searching for "ess-mode-hook" brought:

… lots of stuff that you could copy&paste without understanding it, and it's unlikely to work perfectly with newer versions.

As always, and as explained in my mail above, you should do C-h k, then select the appropriate menu entry (truncate) to find out what the right command is that will enable the functionality you desire.

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