[OS X Emacs] shift-select in org-mode

Stefan Vollmar vollmar at nf.mpg.de
Mon Oct 10 17:48:24 EDT 2011

Dear Marius,

the following setup seems to work fine for me with Aquamacs 2.3a on Snow Leopard with the latest Org-Mode release (it is based on something that was posted on the Org-Mode list some months ago by "PT"):

;; Conventional selection/deletion 
(setq org-support-shift-select t)

; thanks to PT (org-mode list)
(defun my-org-mode-stuff ()
  "define selection by keyboard similar to Mac and Windows"
  (require 'pc-select)
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-S-<right>") 'forward-word-mark)
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-S-<left>") 'backward-word-mark)
  (local-set-key (kbd "S-<right>") 'forward-char-mark)
  (local-set-key (kbd "S-<left>") 'backward-char-mark)
  (local-set-key (kbd "S-<up>") 'previous-line-mark)
  (local-set-key (kbd "S-<down>") 'next-line-mark))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'my-org-mode-stuff)

Warm regards,

On 10.10.2011, at 10:34, Marius Hofert wrote:

> Dear all,
> As a mac-user, I'm quite used to using shift + arrows to select text. When doing this in org-mode, e.g. in a section starting with "*", the list switches to a TODO etc. Since I rarely use the TODO-list feature, I would like to enable the shift-select feature (or at least trying to enable it to see if it is more suitable). 
> I found some comments on this by David Ritter on the list. Apparently one can org-support-shift-select is the setting to look at. I read about it and it seems that one cannot *always* get the shift-select feature due to other features of org-mode. This is fine, however, it says that one can at least turn on shift-select in "many cases" using the symbol "always". So I tried this in Preferences.el:
> (setq org-support-shift-select 'always)
> I then tried to select text and the *-heading wasn't changed to a TODO anymore, but shift + arrow didn't highlight anything (needless to say, nothing could be copied then) [this is on Lion + Aquamacs 3, latest nightly build]. How can one obtain the shift-select feature?
> Cheers,
> Marius_____________________________________________________________
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Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Head of IT group
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
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Email: vollmar at nf.mpg.de   http://www.nf.mpg.de

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