[OS X Emacs] Sweave

pacotomi pacotomi at orange.fr
Sun Sep 11 09:22:17 EDT 2011

Dear all,

Aquamacs : last nightly build of Aquamacs 2.3a

I currently use Aquamacs to typeset LaTeX code. When I use .Rnw files, I encounter the following problem :
i) My foo.Rnw files use macroman encoding
ii) They contain accented french characters
iii) The command I use is: /usr/local/bin/Sweave.sh -nc -ld %s (with a: TeX-run-shell)
iv) When I compile my foo.Rnw files, all parts of text that contain accents are removed and instead, I have a NA in the foo.tex file.

I tried to compile directly (R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw) in the terminal and all is well. Similarly, when compiling with RStudio, everything is OK.

Is this a known problem?


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