[OS X Emacs] ECB context menu in Aquamacs

Ngoc Dao ngocdaothanh at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 21:48:56 EDT 2011

Thank you very much!

David's solution works. I will follow Nathaniel instruction to know
more about Aquamacs.

I've added your answers to Stackoverflow so that others may easily find them:

Actually a lot of folks in my company are using Emacs, so I really
want to try to use it. But they unfortunately they don't use Aquamacs,
they compile Emacs from source code themselves:

Coming from Eclipse, I can't live without something like ECB. I was
about to give up Aquamacs because I found Redcar:

Now I have the courage to try Aquamacs again. Thanks again!


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:30 AM, Nathaniel Cunningham
<nathaniel.cunningham at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:16 PM, David Reitter <david.reitter at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Looking up the documentation for this customization variable doesn't bring
>> up anything useful, but we can undo the key binding (see Aquamacs FAQ,
>> probably) using define-key:
>> (define-key osx-key-mode-map [down-mouse-3] nil)
> There is a second approach in place to return mouse-3 to its vanilla Emacs
> behavior:
> In the Aquamacs help/manual, section 4.3 "Customizing Aquamacs behavior",
> under "Want some GNU Emacs 23 behavior back?" there is a list of
> Aquamacs-specific settings that can be customized, including "OS X Key Mode
> Mouse-3 Behavior".  Try customizing that setting as described in the help --
> that may allow ECB to behave as in vanilla Emacs.
> --Nathaniel
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