[OS X Emacs] UTF-8 problem

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Apr 28 14:56:44 EDT 2012

Am 27.04.2012 um 07:51 schrieb Serdae:

> I'm running ESS for MacOSX 10.6.8 and have problems with setting the locales for sv_SV.UTF-8 permanent.

It should be sufficient to have set in the process environment from which Emacs is launched the necessary environment variables like LANG or LC_CTYPE. If your init file does not play with internal settings (does not touch any coding-system variable), then all should be fine. You can the environment à la

	(getenv "LANG")

in *scratch* buffer and the typing C-j at the end of the line. This will make Emacs read from its process environment.



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				– Georges W. Bush

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