[OS X Emacs] Installing newer version of org-mode

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 13:12:47 EDT 2013

Thank you.  

The 3.x development branch of Aquamacs contains a current version of org-mode.
The 2.x releases inherit their old Org from the Emacs 23 codebase.

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On Jun 7, 2013, at 12:12 PM, Roland Whitehead <rolandw at mac.com> wrote:

> Way back in 2009, Stefan Vollmar very kindly gave a recipe for updating org mode with Aquamacs (Thanks, Stefan). Today I found that the Aquamacs install of org mode is 6.33 when the current version is 8.0.3. Unfortunately, Stefan's recipe needed some updating.
> So this is what I did (in case someone else is looking to do the same).
> I created a directory, let's call it src. Into src I cloned the git repository:
>    git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git
> In the new directory ~/src/org-mode I created a file "local.mk" (in Aquamacs of course) whose contents were:
>    up2::   # default target
>    EMACS   = /Applications/Aquamacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Aquamacs
>    prefix  = ~/Library/Application\ Support/Aquamacs\ Emacs
>    lispdir = $(prefix)/org
>    datadir = $(prefix)/org/data
>    infodir = $(prefix)/org/info
> And at the bottom of my .emacs file added:
>    ;; org mode settings
>    (defvar org-sys-directory "~/devel/org-mode/lisp"
>       "The directory containing the org distribution.")
>    (setq load-path (cons org-sys-directory load-path))
> I created three directories in my Library via the terminal
>    mkdir -pv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Aquamacs\ Emacs/org/data
>    mkdir -pv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Aquamacs\ Emacs/org/info
> I then simply ran "make install" in the terminal (eShell actually) from within my ~/src/org-mode directory.
> Finally, I had to restart Aquamacs (because I'd edited my .emacs file as, after all these years I still don't know how to re-source .emacs from with emacs….) before loading org-mode with m-x org-reload which told me that 8.03 was now loaded.
> The benefit of this is that if I update Aquamacs then I shouldn't have to re-do all this again as it is now all safely in my Library file and, as I have aliased "amacs" in my .profle, I can use these same settings from the terminal if I'm not using Aquamacs (alias amacs='/Applications/Aquamacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Aquamacs -nw') by entering 'amacs' rather than the built in 'emacs'.
> NB. I take no responsibility for org mode 8.03 not working for you BTW!
> Roland Whitehead
> -- 
> Quru, London
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