[OS X Emacs] Do not understand path locations

Tom Van Vleck thvv at multicians.org
Sat Sep 9 08:53:37 EDT 2017

> On Sep 9, 2017, at 1:48 AM, Randall Lilko <rjlilko at randing.ca> wrote:
> I am a new user to Aquamacs and want to add some customization to Preferences.el. The problem is I do not see that paths shown in Messages. I see Aquamacs in the Applications folder but I do not see any other directories or files associated with. If the files and paths are all locked in the .app file, how do you edit the preferences.el file and provide a path for it to be found?

When I install Aquamacs on a new Mac I customize it.
My customizations are to make Aquamacs work with past Emacs habits
and to be consistent with Emacs on other operating systems,
for the types of files I edit.

The web page http://formyfriendswithmacs.com/aquamacs.html describes my customizations.
You could try some of these and see if they help you.

I don't edit ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs\ Emacs/Preferences.el -- instead
many of my customizations are kept in a .emacs file that I adapt to multiple operating systems.
(And there are some features in that file that I will probably never use again.. )

To get Aquamacs just right for me, I use the Options menu item a lot,
and for a few items, I use Options => Customize Emacs.

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