[OS X Emacs] Delay opening HTML files from a shell

Win Treese treese at acm.org
Wed Jun 5 23:56:10 EDT 2019

> On Jun 5, 2019, at 10:21 PM, Braun, Michael <braunm at mail.smu.edu> wrote:
> In March, I asked for some help regarding a 6-8 second delay when opening HTML help files for R using ESS.  I’ve since discovered the problem is actually more general.  Suppose I launch a  shell in an Aquamacs frame (M-x shell), and try to open any HTML file, as with  ‘open file.html’.  It takes 6-8 seconds for the page to open, even if the browser app is already running.  This happens on two different computers (work Mac Pro, home MacBook Pro), both running OS X Mojave (currently 10.14.15), and with both Safari and Chrome.
> I do not have any problem with emacs instances run directly in Terminal. In that case, the HTML page opens instantly. It’s only through the Aquamacs GUI. I think the issue arose around the time of the Mojave upgrade, but I don’t know for sure.
> My first question is whether anyone else can replicate this problem.  My second is how to debug this issue.  I don’t even know where to begin, and I would greatly appreciate any direction you can offer.

I can reproduce it with the Aquamacs GUI on Mojave. As you report, it doesn’t happen running ‘aquamacs -nw’ in a terminal. 

For me, it happens with shell-mode using bash or zsh, and with eshell.

It doesn’t seem to be sluggish opening a PDF with Preview, but it is also slow opening a text file with TextEdit. 

I’m not sure what to make of this combination of symptoms.

  - Win

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