[OS X Emacs] clicking the menubar requires two clicks in 3.5

Tom Van Vleck thvv at multicians.org
Fri Mar 1 12:55:13 EST 2019

Installed Mojave 10.14.2 about a month ago.  Aquamacs 3.4 seemed to work just fine.
I did not encounter any "text display issues" on two MacBook Pros.

Today I got a random "Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp query-replace-from-to-history)" 
again, so I decided to try 3.5.

I installed Aquamacs 3.5 from the nightly build, 2019-02-25 version.
Dragged the new version to /Applications.  All my customizations seemed intact.

But I notice that clicking to drop a menu from the macOS toolbar
e.g. "File", "Edit", "Options" etc does not work the first time I click it.
The second click works and the menu drops down.
I can do the first click on "File" and then click on "Help" and the Help menu will display.

The "Aquamacs" bold menu drops on the first click.

(I notice in 3.5:
- Options => View is renamed to Options => User Interface
I'll have to update https://formyfriendswithmacs.com/aquamacs.html.)

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