[OS X Emacs] clicking the menubar requires two clicks in 3.5

Tom Van Vleck thvv at multicians.org
Fri Mar 1 15:56:32 EST 2019

Thanks Jamie!  You led me to the solution.  I looked at the control panel
and the box WAS checked.  So I unchecked it, quit and restarted Aquamacs,
still didn't work.  I reopened the control panel, checked the box, quit
and restarted Aquamacs, and menus worked.

(Running very hard just to stay in the same place.)

> On Mar 1, 2019, at 3:42 PM, Jamie Taylor <Jamie.Taylor at pobox.com> wrote:
> I don't know what MacOS API is triggering this, but it has something to
> do with the Accessibility controls.  You can suppress/trigger the
> two-clicks-required menu behavior by toggling the checkbox next to
> Aquamacs.app under "Allow the apps below to control your computer"
> in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility.
> My guess is that the first time you ran Aquamacs 3.5 there was a
> dialog box from the OS that asked if you wanted to allow Aquamacs to
> control your computer, and you said no.  (Because why would Aquamacs
> need full control of the computer?)
> On Fri, Mar 01, 2019 at 12:55:13PM -0500, Tom Van Vleck wrote:
>> Installed Mojave 10.14.2 about a month ago.  Aquamacs 3.4 seemed to work just fine.
>> I did not encounter any "text display issues" on two MacBook Pros.
>> Today I got a random "Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp query-replace-from-to-history)" 
>> again, so I decided to try 3.5.
>> I installed Aquamacs 3.5 from the nightly build, 2019-02-25 version.
>> Dragged the new version to /Applications.  All my customizations seemed intact.
>> But I notice that clicking to drop a menu from the macOS toolbar
>> e.g. "File", "Edit", "Options" etc does not work the first time I click it.
>> The second click works and the menu drops down.
>> I can do the first click on "File" and then click on "Help" and the Help menu will display.
>> The "Aquamacs" bold menu drops on the first click.
>> (I notice in 3.5:
>> - Options => View is renamed to Options => User Interface
>> I'll have to update https://formyfriendswithmacs.com/aquamacs.html.)
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