[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs 3.6 is now available

Juergen Fenn jfenn at gmx.net
Thu Jan 27 18:53:46 EST 2022

Hi Win,

thanks for your quick reply. This is fine.

I'll report any issues I become aware of.

Best regards,

Am 28.01.22 um 00:45 Uhr schrieb Win Treese:
> Hi, Jeurgen.
> From a quick look at those settings, I think it would all still work. I’m not
> aware of anything in Aquamacs 3.6 that would affect them.
>  - Win
>> On Jan 27, 2022, at 6:39 PM, Juergen Fenn <jfenn at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Win,
>> thank you very much for your efforts! I'm happy to see that Aquamacs is
>> alive and I will give the new version a try as soon as I find the time
>> to update.
>> May I please ask you a question in advance? I prefer to run Aquamacs
>> very much as a standard Emacs. This is why I applied the compatibility
>> configuration David Reitter provided on EmacsWiki.
>> https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AquamacsEmacsCompatibilitySettings
>> Is this configuration still correct with Aquamacs 3.6?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> Jürgen.
>> Am 27.01.22 um 17:56 Uhr schrieb Win Treese:
>>> Aquamacs 3.6 is now available, from https://aquamacs.org/downloads/ or directly from
>>> https://github.com/aquamacs-emacs/aquamacs-emacs/releases/download/aquamacs-3.6/Aquamacs-3.6.dmg
>>> This release has fixes for many of the reported crashes and other bugs. Aquamacs now prompts for needed permissions. The Aquamacs app is now fully signed and notarized by Apple. Several of the bundled Emacs Lisp packages have been updated to more recent versions, most notably AUCTeX.
>>> This version also includes native support for libxml2 as well as JPEG and SVG images. A detailed list of change is available on the downloads page linked above, and is included at the end of this message.
>>> Aquamacs 3.6 is compiled to run on any Mac OS version from El Capitan (10.11) forward, although it is  compiled only for the x86 architecture. It runs fine on Apple Silicon (M1) system with Rosetta. There are changes needed to the core Emacs code for it to work on Apple Silicon, so native support will come with a future version (more on that below).
>>> Note that the help system may not work properly at first. Usually, Mac OS seems to build an index for it that works later.
>>> For anyone interested in hacking on Aquamacs or building it themselves, the build system has been refactored somewhat to make it easier to build for personal use. Look in the aquamacs/build directory to find the scripts that do the work.
>>> Please report any problems by email to aquamacs-bugs at aquamacs.org, or on github at https://github.com/aquamacs-emacs/aquamacs-emacs/issues.
>>> Future development of Aquamacs
>>> Aquamacs 3.6 will likely be the last release based on Emacs 25. Beyond 3.6, Aquamacs will be updated to run with a fairly recent version of Emacs 27 or Emacs 28, depending on when the development catches up. The merge to catch up with current Emacs will probably take a while, although there's been a lot of behind-the-scenes work to set the stage for that.
>>> Sponsoring
>>> If you’d like to sponsor or donate to support continued development of Aquamacs, you can do so via GitHub Sponsors at https://aquamacs.org/sponsor/.
>>> Your Aquamacs Maintainer,
>>> Win Treese
>>> treese at acm.org
>>> My new poetry collection, In the Cloud: Poems for a Technological Age
>>> is available on Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PH6SGLN
>>> Detailed Changes in Aquamacs 3.6
>>> The following external packages have been updated to current releases:
>>>  - filladapt
>>>  - findr
>>>  - highlight-indentation
>>>  - markdown-mode
>>>  - nlinum
>>>  - paredit
>>>  - smart-dnd
>>>  - ssh
>>>  - visual-basic-mode
>>> *** Detailed changes
>>> - Applied patch to correctly list colors on the Mac
>>> - Build with libxml2 since it is bundled with Xcode
>>> - Build is compatible back to 10.11 (El Capitan)
>>> - (For developers) The build system is more configurable for some
>>>  different development situations.
>>> - Work around crash in Save As dialogs. Emacs main will later
>>>  remove the problem code, so Aquamacs is temporarily patched to
>>>  ignore the special code for handling keys in the dialog.
>>> - Fixed issue #180: a crash when clicking on the menu bar.
>>> - Fixed issue #185: Add Mac OS permission requests for various
>>>  system operations, including AppleScript
>>> - Fixed issue #195: Backported fix for Mach port leak from Emacs (bug 38618)
>>> - Fixed issue #182: Aquamacs won't build on Catalina
>>> - Fixed issue #194: cmd-meta-h hides non-emacs frames
>>> - Fixed issue #178: Crash when deallocating image
>>> - Fixed issue #166: Updated ELPA package GPG keyring
>>> - Fixed issue #205: Updated gnutls configuration defaults
>>> - Fixed issue #169: Update AUCTeX to current version 12.3, with Aquamacs patches
>>> - Fixed issue #158: Don't offer to save *scratch* if there is no filename
>>> - Reworked some of the NSapp memory management to avoid various crashes
>>> - PR #208: (thanks to Michael Braun) Make display-mm-[height/width] return same values as Emacs-OSX. The effect of this is to make image display, especially LaTeX previews
>>>  in AUCTeX and Org, look good on Retina displays.
>>> - The build process is able to sign releases and notarize themwith Apple.
>>> - Added more automation to the process of building disk images for releases.
>>> - Fixed crashes involving cursorRects and toolbar updates (probably).
>>> - Fixed issue #218: Crash when a single full-screen frame is closed
>>> - Fix bug #224: M-x pylint throws an error
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