[OS X Emacs] Question about completion, minibuffer, and Aquamacs

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Fri Nov 25 21:35:10 EST 2022

A quick follow-up because with the help of the sly developer, I have 
figured out what's wrong. It's both (a) simpler and (b) more puzzling.

So it turns out that the completion mode is *not* broken!  Instead, what 
is broken is the *prompt* that goes in the minibuffer!

On a normal emacs, as I said before, the buffer gives this prompt:

"Use C-n and C-p to navigate completions...."

But on Aquamacs I see:

"Use <right> and <left> to navigate completions..."

What's simple, but puzzling, is that if I use the keystrokes that are 
advertised normally (C-n and C-p), then the completion works properly.  
I thought it was not working because if I use the keys that Aquamacs 
tells me to, completion doesn't work. But that's because Aquamacs is 
doing the right thing, but telling me the wrong thing: somehow it is 
writing an incorrect string into the minibuffer.

AFAICT, the key bits of code in sly completion mode are the following.

First, this defvar:

(defvar sly--completion-explanation
    "Use \\[sly-next-completion] and \\[sly-prev-completion] to navigate 
    " \\[sly-choose-completion] or [mouse-1] selects a completion."
    "\n\nAnnotation flags: (b)oundp (f)boundp (g)eneric-function (c)lass 
(m)acro (s)pecial-operator\n\n"

And then this function call goes wrong:


So I was wondering: does Aquamacs do anything funky with 
`substitute-command-keys`? I have no idea why I am getting `"<right>"` 
and `"<left>"` instead of `"C-n"` and `"C-p"`.


On 25 Nov 2022, at 9:51, Robert Goldman wrote:

> I have been having an oddity with completion in the SLY (enhanced 
> Common Lisp) mode.  Full details are 
> [here](https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/issues/547).  The issue 
> persists when I start Aquamacs without customizations, so I suspect it 
> is an interaction between SLY and some Aquamacs customization.  But I 
> have not been able to find any customization of completion behavior in 
> `/Applications/Aquamacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/`
> Here's what happens:
> - Non-Aquamacs emacs: Press completion key. Minibuffer pops up with 
> message "Use C-n and C-p to navigate completions...."  I *believe* 
> that in this case also the cursor is left in the minibuffer (having a 
> little trouble getting clarity from other users).
> - Aquamacs emacs: Minibuffer pops up with message "Use <right> and 
> <left> to navigate completions..." Cursor is left in the source 
> buffer, *not* the completion minibuffer. This has the bad effect of 
> causing me to press <right> and then find that the cursor moves in the 
> source buffer and the completion minibuffer is dismissed, which is 
> quite annoying. (The fix is to switch buffers to navigate the set of 
> completions, but this is cumbersome and annoying).
> Any idea where this customization could be happening?
> Thanks,
> R
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