[OS X Emacs] sometimes i can't type

Win Treese treese at acm.org
Tue Feb 21 13:19:51 EST 2023

Hi, Tom. Does this happen when you are busy typing, hit delete,
and things freeze? Or when you have paused for a little bit, maybe
looking at what you typed, then hit delete?

One reason for the difference between those is what might be
run as from an idle timer, if in fact Aquamacs is going idle.

You can see the list of idle timers by looking at the variable timer-list
(say, with M-x describe-variable or inside IELM).

- Win

> On Feb 20, 2023, at 4:29 PM, Tom Van Vleck <thvv at multicians.org> wrote:
> At least once a day, I will be editing away in Aquamacs,
> and go to use the delete key, and nothing will happen.
> When it gets into this state, left-arrow doesn't seem to
> work either.  I bash at the keyboard a little and it gets
> unstuck. I think when it is stuck, delete left-arrow won't 
> work either. Might be that right-arrow unsticks it.
> This is Aquamacs 3.6, build 20G165.	
> I have observed this on a 10-year-old MacBook Pro
> running Big Sur, and an m2 Air on Ventura.
> I have looked in the *messages buffer after this happens
> and the last thing in the last 2 occurrences was "Mark set"
> but that could be a coincidence.
> Anybody else see this ever?
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