[Mac OS X TeX] Re: Mac TeX/LaTeX Web Site
Marc Parizeau
parizeau at mac.com
Wed Aug 29 15:28:11 EDT 2001
My .cshrc contained only:
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin"
setenv MANPATH "${MANPATH}:/usr/X11R6/man"
And indeed, after I removed it, TeXshop started to work ok in TeX/GS
mode. This is really a stange bug, I just can't imagine why these
commands have any impact on the behavior of TeXshop?! Does this imply
that TeXshop reads the .cshrc file and tries to interpret it??? Because
the macros ${PATH} and ${MANPATH} are expanded by the shell, thus should
not be visible to the apps.
Obviously, the authors of TeXshop should look into this mystery for
future release...
Anyway, thanks very much for your help!
On 8/29/01 V. Vatsal <vatsal at math.ubc.ca> wrote:
>I've had this problem recently, and managed to fix it after much
>aggravation. The answer has to do with environment variables and what you
>have in your .cshrc file.
>As I understand from Richard Koch, TeXShop usually doesn't see environment
>variables -- rather it relies on certain expectations of the way teTeX is
>set up. He tells me that when you call pdflatex, TeXShop calls the Unix
>task directly, without going via the shell, so none of the shell variables
>get passed on. If you have the teTeX that is supplied with TeXShop, this
>method will generally work. On the other hand, when you pick the TeX+GS
>option, TeXShop calls the altpdflatex script, which is then responsible for
>calling TeX. Since altpdflatex is a shell script, it inherits shell
>variables, which are passed to TeX.
>It seems that what happens here is that TeXShop gets confused if the shell
>variables are defined so that the shell must perform some kind of variable
>expansion to interpret them. Eg, suppose you have something in your .cshrc
>setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin:/Applications/OSXvnc.app/Contents/MacOS"
>setenv MANPATH "${MANPATH}:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/local/man"
>(This was taken from an earlier post by Michael Murray on this subject.)
>This will confuse TeXShop, because it doesn't seem to understand how to
>make sense of things like ${PATH} and ${MANPATH}. Indeed, as the TeXShop
>manual says somewhere, the program relies on absolute paths to work. I'm
>not sure why this is, but it appears to have been what's causing the
>problem, at least on my system, and that of one other user.
>In short, try going through your .cshrc and changing all paths to absolute
>and literal paths, avoiding the use of variables and expansion. I'm not
>sure which variables TeXShop sees -- I changed $PATH, $MANPATH, and all TeX
>related ones, which in my case means I changed them all. Maybe one doesn't
>have to worry about non TeX variables, I don't know about that. Anyway, now
>TeX+GS works for me, with all variables seen and used.
>You should also be careful about the variable TEXMF, if you have is defined
>it somewhere -- it often defined in terms of things like $TEXMFMAIN, or
>$TEXMFLOCAL, and these won't work with TeXShop. If you want to add more
>texmf trees, then you should get the default kpathsea value coming from the
>teTeX distribution (run texconfig from the termimal on a fresh
>installation: remember to delete your cshrc first!) and add your
>definitions to what TeXShop is expecting.
>Good luck.
>--On Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:19 AM -0400 Marc Parizeau
><parizeau at mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I've just installed TexShop 1.12 on MacOS 10.0.4. Everything seems to
>> work fine when I typeset using pdftex. However, the TeX and Ghostscript
>> typeset option produces no output. When I click on the Latex button, the
>> error console opens but remains empty and nothing happens. I've also
>> tried to open an eps file and nothing happens. I guess there must be
>> something wrong with my installation but what could it be???
>> As instructed, I've installed the new teTex and ghostscript (over the
>> old). I didn't changed the "engine" settings. They point to:
>> /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current
>> pdftex
>> pdflatex
>> altpdftex
>> altpdflatex
>> respectivelly. From a terminal, I've tried to run altpdflatex on a sample
>> file and it worked fine (producing both a .dvi and a .pdf).
>> So does anyone have any idea on what could be the problem?
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> --
>> Marc Parizeau
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>V. Vatsal
>Department of Mathematics
>University of British Columbia
>Vancouver V6T 1Z2
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